
Showing posts from September, 2011

Remembering ...

Remembering is something we do every day.  We have to remember to stop at the market on our way home from work, remember to return phone calls, remember a friends birthday, remember the smallest things.  Does this diminish the importance of remembering?  I ask this as I wonder if that is why when it comes to September 11, people say "don't forget".  In sales training, we were taught that to use the word "don't" at the beginning of a sentence or a presentation, you were pretty much guaranteeing that someone would do the exact opposite of what you wanted them to.  For example, don't think of a pink elephant.  Now I ask you, what picture is in your mind right now?  Yep, a pink elephant. When it comes to the events of September 11, I prefer to say "always remember".  And tonight, I want to share some of my day, September 11, 2001. When someone asks "where in the world were you on that day", like everyone else, I can tell you where I wa...